Sunday, 7 October 2012

Little Home Made Gift for Homesick Daughter!

Have recently been speaking to daughter who is at Lincoln University in her final year and she is a bit down and a bit homesick, not helped by the fact that her student loan was over a week late so had virtually been living on fresh air. We had filled her cupboard, fridge and freezer up when we dropped her off beginning of September but think she was sick of the site of pasta by last weekend. Then her laptop broke down and there was problem with her phone so think things got bit on top of her and also she was home for about 16/18 weeks this time. So I had made her this little book for her stocking for Christmas of her favourite pin up at the moment and that is the diver Tom Daley. She is Tom Daley mad and has collected all the mags, papers etc of him over the summer. So I have put some photos here below of what I made-think this will cheer her up- what do you think?
Well there it is just a few pages of my little creation that I made for her and I am sure she will be thrilled with it and hopefully will cheer her up. Thanks for dropping by. Love and Hugs Arlinex

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